9 February, 2024

The Significance of Visceral Fat

Visceral fat, often overshadowed by its more visible counterpart, subcutaneous fat, plays a critical role in our health that goes beyond mere aesthetics. This hidden fat, nestled around internal organs such as the liver and pancreas, demands our attention for compelling reasons. Firstly, visceral fat isn’t just a passive storage unit; it’s an active player […]

9 February, 2024

The Benefits of Regular DEXA Scans

In the realm of health screenings, DEXA scans benefits are nothing short of magical. These scans, formally known as Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, offer a window into your body’s composition and health, and here’s why making them a regular part of your wellness routine is a smart move. First and foremost, DEXA scans provide a precise […]

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